Precious Blood Roman Catholic Church
Scarborough, Ontario
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is:
To live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy.
At our parish, Vincentians:
- see Christ in anyone who suffers;
- come together as a family;
- have personal contact with the poor through "Home Visits";
- help in all possible ways.
Membership in the Society requires selfless commitment, the humility to serve the poor without judgement, a strong trust in God and faith that the work of the Society will help the poor in ways that are important to them.
Potential members are subject to a screening process that includes an interview and a police reference check. By example, members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul show the highest degree of discretion, good judgement and confidentiality.
To reach the Saint Vincent de Paul volunteers at our parish please call 647-499-5594
Inquiries may be made by:
- contacting 647-499-5594,
- contacting the office
- or after Masses.