Precious Blood Roman Catholic Church
Scarborough, Ontario
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

The Rosary Apostolate is a non-profit association of volunteers that lead children, youth and families into a deeper relationship with Jesus our Savior and Redeemer through Mary by teaching them how to pray with the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are three sectors where the activity of the Apostolaste unfolds:
- The Catholic Schools
- The Homes of Families
- The Catholic Churches
Volunteers visit these locations and, under the direction and guidelines of the Rosary Apostolate, pray with children and youth and families.
Our volunteers at Precious Blood go to schools allowing children to experience the power of the Rosary. Click here to read about this aspect of the ministry.
At present there are about 1000 trained volunteers in Ontario reaching out to about 100,000 children and youth in our catholic schools. There is a great need for many more volunteers… take the time to consider being an Apostle of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Inquiries may be made by:
- contacting Elva Morin at 416-447-1157,
- contacting the office
- or after Masses.